Political News

America's Polarizing Election Crisis - Why Mounting Distrust Could Fuel Economic Armageddon

As the 2024 presidential election cycle begins taking shape, it's impossible to ignore the deep fissures and escalating tensions across the nation's political landscape. Faith in the electoral process has arguably never been lower, with skepticism of rigged results or suppressed votes now a bipartisan phenomenon.


On the left, the mainstream narrative still casts Donald Trump's cry of "stop the steal" after the 2020 election as delusional fiction perpetuating the "Big Lie." However, doubts certainly remain among his base about the integrity of Biden's victory.

Conversely, those same Trump supporters who protested outside of statehouses in 2020 now watch the tables turn. With the House under Republican control, there are rumblings that a potential Trump 2024 win could be blocked by weaponizing the vote certification process.

Heightening tensions is the unprecedented campaign by prosecutors to indict Trump on contested charges - raising fears of blatant political persecutions from either side of the aisle, depending on election outcomes.

Regardless of where one falls on the political spectrum, the overriding truth is clear - America has become a nation of skeptics who believe the electoral process is rigged against their interests. Civility and democratic norms feel increasingly imperiled amid a climate of rampant distrust.

It's within this powder keg environment that one controversial analysis has emerged, issuing a dire warning - if faith in the 2024 election results collapses, it could catalyze a "perfect storm" with devastating economic consequences.

The analysis, authored by a forecaster with an impressive track record spanning the housing crisis to Trump's 2016 upset, posits that a disputed 2024 election could spark a 50% stock market crash, a run on the U.S. dollar's global status, violent unrest across the nation and more.

While the doomsday claims may sound sensationalistic, the comprehensive breakdown provides disturbing evidence and proposes wealth protection tactics like pivoting investments into recession-proof sectors and assets that could thrive amid turmoil.

Given the incendiary subject matter, concerned citizens would be wise to view the full analysis and judge the arguments for themselves as 2024 draws near...

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Former advisor to the CIA, the Pentagon and the White House Jim Rickards just dropped this Trump election bombshell.

For the sake of our country… 

I hope he’s wrong.
But Jim correctly predicted the Great Recession of 2008, Trump’s 2016 election, and the Covid Crisis.
Click here to see the details because if he’s right, you need to prepare now.

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