
LAZY Showing Recent Insider Activity

According to the scanners, recent insider activity shows that Lazydays Holdings, LAZY the Insider Confidence level is trending Up due to Corporate Insiders of LAZY Bought $1.4M worth of shares in the last 3 months.

Before you dig into the report on LAZY, it is important to remember that "Insider Buying" is the purchase of shares in a corporation by a director, officer, or executive within the company. Insider buying is not the same as insider trading, which refers to corporate insiders making illegal stock purchases based on non-public information. reports that Lazydays Holdings currently has 1 analysts offering 12-month price targets and the consensus is a Hold rating with an average price target is $13.00 . The target pricing ranges from a high forecast of $13.00 down to a low forecast of $13.00. Lazydays Holdings (LAZY)’s last closing price was $13.28 which would put the average price target at -2.11% upside.

In addition, TradingView issued a n/a rating for LAZY over the next month, has a Strong sell rating and Yahoo! Finance has a Bullish short-term outlook

We at are considering adding Lazydays Holdings to our watchlist based on this activity. keeps investors informed of the top moving stocks within each sector including Health & Biotech, Technology, Energy, Metals & Mining, Financial, Consumer, Communication Services and more. We provide investors with timely information regarding top moving stocks that is sourced from our proprietary stocks screens, partner stock analysts and breaking news that identify and monitor stocks that are on the move. Join thousands of investors who already signed up for our free subscription to

If you would like to read the full article and a list of the latest insider activity for LAZY, click here.

This information was sourced which uses various 3rd party public sources to obtain their information but to get the best insight into insider activity related to LAZY, you should consider joining as a premium member which gives you access to all buy ratings, price targets and insider trading signals.  Remember, securities are volatile, so please do your own research on LAZY

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