Market News,Technology

Nvidia's $3 Trillion Blind Spot: The AI Challengers Circling

Don't pop the champagne just yet, Nvidia investors. While CEO Jensen Huang cockily declared checkmate in AI this week, a pack of hungry challengers may have other ideas.

Sure, Nvidia's $3 trillion crown lets Huang tout the company's decade-long head start in artificial intelligence. And yes, their performance-per-watt value prop is tough to beat for now. But several rising AI forces lurk, ready to make this new megabillion-dollar industry a real dogfight.

Let's start with the obvious target on Nvidia's back: traditional chipmakers. Titans like Intel, AMD, Qualcomm and others have already sharpened their knives for the burgeoning AI silicon market. With bottomless R&D reserves and armies of elite engineers, they'll fight tooth and nail to avoid ceding this next computing frontier.

Don't sleep on Big Tech's in-house AI chip efforts either. Heavyweights Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Meta are all investing heavily to cut their reliance on Nvidia for AI muscle. If their custom silicon gains traction, a major revenue stream could dry up for the green team.

But the disruption could extend even further with a new wave of emboldened AI chip startups. Well-funded upstarts like Cerebras, Groq, SambaNova and many more are raising billions to attack Nvidia's dominance. Some tout radically new architectures explicitly designed to dethrone current market leaders.

Then there's geopolitical dragons like China's Biren looming with masked state resources. Not to mention the lingering risk of government regulation if Nvidia's might is perceived as anti-competitive.

Do any of these threats spell immediate doom? Of course not. But collectively, they do suggest Nvidia's newly-minted $3 trillion kingdom already faces mounting pressure across multiple fronts.

For all its justified confidence and execution to date, the AI world is still early and chaotic. Crowning a permanent energy remains premature - something Huang may eventually realize when today's comparatively tiny combatants inevitably grow teeth.

So while the master marketer Huang took his victory lap this week, savvy investors will keep Nvidia's vulnerabilities in mind. Because from what we've seen across tech history, market leaders that underestimate the competition rarely stay undefeated for long.

The AI battle royale has only begun.

Nvidia’s Silent Partner?

My name is Porter Stansberry. 

I’m the founder and CEO of the largest financial research firm in the world, with over 16 million readers. 

For almost 30 years we’ve predicted practically every major financial boom and bust. 

Including Nvidia’s historic rise. We first recommended Nvidia back in 2016 at a split-adjusted $1.12/share – it’s now up more than 11,000%. 

I’m NOT recommending Nvidia today, though. 

While it remains a phenomenal company at the center of the AI boom – without what I call their Secret Partner – Nvidia and the entire artificial intelligence market could collapse. 

And I’m not the only investor who has noticed… 

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Sam Altman, Peter Thiel, even Warren Buffett are all pouring millions of dollars into Nvidia’s Secret Partner

They know, as I do, that without the technology this one obscure company holds a stranglehold on, the entire AI market could implode. 

I know that seems crazy to believe right now, but just remember… 

People called me “crazy” when I warned that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were going to zero… that General Motors was going bankrupt…that oil would fall from $100 to $40 a barrel in 2012… 

They thought I was crazy when I said we'd see riots in the streets after the financial crisis… then the Occupy Wall Street movement erupted. 

They laughed when I said Boeing was a disaster… then their planes started falling out of the sky. 

Will I be right this time? I don’t know. But what I do know is that the world’s biggest companies and the world’s smartest investors are all seeing the same evidence as me. 

They’re just not publicly talking about it. 

I only uncovered their investments into this technology after months of research. 

Now, I’m sharing my findings with you, for free.

I’ll walk you through precisely why every AI company needs this technology… I’ll name the companies involved… and show you everything you need to take advantage of what could be one of the biggest stories of the next decade. 

It’s all here for you. 

Just click the link above to get all the details.

Porter Stansberry

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