
OXY Showing Recent Insider Activity

Recent activity shows that Occidental Petroleum, OXY the Insider Confidence level is trending Up due to Corporate Insiders of OXY Bought $5.6B worth of shares in the last 3 months.  

Before you dig into this report it is important to remember that "Insider Buying" is the purchase of shares in a corporation by a director, officer, or executive within the company. Insider buying is not the same as insider trading, which refers to corporate insiders making illegal stock purchases based on non-public information.
"Insider Buying" is not a crime when the buying is based on public information. 
Additionally, since insiders have unique insights into their own companies, they often gobble up shares when they believe the stock is undervalued or dump stock when it’s time to sell.  That's why people pay attention to insider buying.

Here is a list of the latest insider activity for OXY:
  • Avedick Baruyr Poladian - Director, Sold $1,144,600 worth of shares on 1 week ago
  • Berkshire Hathaway Inc - >10% Owner, Bought $984,888,359 worth of shares on 1 week ago
  • Berkshire Hathaway Inc - >10% Owner, Bought $1,534,004,820 worth of shares on 1 week ago
  • Berkshire Hathaway Inc - >10% Owner, Bought $3,121,471,554 worth of shares on 2 weeks ago reports that Occidental Petroleum currently has 14 analysts offering 12-month price targets and the consensus is a Moderate Buy rating with an average price target is $56.54 . The target pricing ranges from a high forecast of $78.00 down to a low forecast of $40.00. Occidental Petroleum (OXY)’s last closing price was 61.11 which would put the average price target at -7.48% upside.

In addition, TradingView issued a Buy rating for OXY over the next month, has a Strong buy rating and Yahoo! Finance has a Neutral short-term outlook

Occidental Petroleum, OXY
Summary: Occidental Petroleum Corporation is an international oil and gas exploration and production company with operations in the United States, Middle East and Latin America. Occidental is one of the largest U.S. oil and gas companies, based on equity market capitalization. Occidental's midstream and marketing segment gathers, processes, transports, stores, purchases and markets hydrocarbons and other commodities. Occidental's wholly owned subsidiary, OxyChem, is a major North American chemical manufacturer. Occidental is committed to respecting the environment, operating safely and upholding high standards of social responsibility throughout the company's worldwide operations. Occidental strategy relies on increasing production through developing conventional and unconventional fields. Occidental is a worldwide leader in applying advanced technology to boost production from mature oil and natural gas fields and access hard-to-recover reserves.
  • Last Price: 61.11
  • Price Change: 1, 2.46%
  • Yearly Gain: 125.06%
  • Market Cap: 57.08B
  • P/E Ratio: 38.697
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